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В Томске прошел вебинар «Новые возможности для российских экспортеров в текущих экономических условиях»

Организатором вебинара  для томских экспорто-ориентированных компаний, рассматривающих перспективы развития бизнеса в Восточной и Юго-Восточной Азии, выступил Центр поддержки экспорта


Nosocomial (hospital-acquired) infections are a serious issue that is yet to be solved. They worsen patients’ condition, are highly resistant to antibiotics, and are hard to cure. In the government-supported project, TSU and the corporation Yaroslavskie Kraski created a new type of paint enhanced with biocidal nanoparticles that can neutralize most of the common pathogens. The new paint will soon be used on the walls of two Tomsk Region hospitals.

TSU will examine the Kolva River and plan restoration

TSU Biological Institute scientists will examine the Kolva River drainage system under an agreement with LUKOIL-Komi Company. In 2021, the river was polluted by an accident. The scientists will use a TSU-developed technology, Aeroschup, to investigate the bottom sediments in 200 kilometers of the river. If this demonstrates the need for it, TSU scientists will develop a plan for restoring the river’s ecosystem.

Young Scientists of Russia and Belorus to Create New Technology for Preparation of Superhard Composites

Research conducted by Russian and Belorussian young scientists has been granted by the I UMNIK Russia and Belarus International Contest. Within the joint project with the A.V. Luikov Heat and Mass Transfer Institute of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus, TPU PhD student Pavel Povalyaev will develop a technology for chromium(III) boride (CrB) preparation to create composite materials with high corrosion resistance, which can be applied in the oil-producing industry. The technology is based on the method of high-temperature electric arc synthesis. This is a groundbreaking technology, which has not been applied for CrB synthesis before.

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