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Кабмин вместе с бизнесом определит параметры развития БАМа и Транссиба

Министерствам, регионам, грузоотправителям, а также ОАО «РЖД» поручено определить параметры развития Байкало-Амурской и Транссибирской железнодорожных магистралей с учётом планируемой грузовой базы

Trial launch of Tomsk 5G base station took place in the SEZ

A trial launch of Tomsk's 5G standard communications base station took place in the Special Economic Zone (SEZ) during the visit of Russian Prime Minister Mikhail Mishustin to Tomsk on Tuesday, RIA Tomsk correspondent reports from the scene.

Tomsk company started supplying larch shingles to the Czech Republic

Tomsk company Sibirskiye Prostory (Siberian Vast Expanses) working under the brand LogWorks, for the first time shipped to the Czech Republic chipped roof shakes – shingles made of larch, general director Stanislav Shubin told RIA Tomsk; according to him, demand for eco-shingles from Siberia is good – it is half the price of European analogues.

SSMU received IAAR international accreditation for the first time

Siberian State Medical University (SSMU), according to the results of examination of independent IAAR agency, for the first time received international accreditation of educational programs for 5 years and became the third medical university in Russia, having such accreditation.

TPU and SSMU examine patients with neurodegenerative disorders

Scientists from Tomsk Polytechnic (TPU), Siberian State Medical University (SSMU) and the Research Institute of Medical Genetics are conducting a study of neuropsychiatric disorders in Parkinson's and Huntington's diseases in patients; they assess the likelihood of non-motor disorders in patients and their relatives.


Mezheninovskaya Poultry Farm, located near Tomsk, to start selling fertilizers from chicken manure in stores in Tomsk and Tomsk region in 2021, and supply the product to other regions of Russia and abroad, in particular to China, Spain, Turkey and Iran, Deputy General Director for Livestock and Crop Production Vladimir Yermolenko told journalists.

The new resident of SEZ Tomsk will produce cosmetics with xenon

Сosmetics manufacturing company Xeolab become a new resident of the Special Economic Zone (SEZ) Tomsk; it plans to develop and produce cosmetics with xenon addition, thus expanding the range of cosmetics, and to enter the Russian market with it/

International master’s students completed practice at TESC

Master’s students of the International Management program have completed their externships. Four students from India, Nigeria, and Ghana passed them in the Tomsk Export Support Center (TESC), a long-term reliable partner of the Institute of Economics and Management.

Tomsk hotel for the first time applied for

Tomsk hotel Kuhterin has applied for a "five stars" category, the contract with an accredited organization from St. Petersburg has already been signed, in the near future an expert will come to Tomsk for evaluation, the manager of the hotel Natalia Zakharova told RIA Tomsk.

Tomsk drug for COVID-19 therapy may appear on the market in 2023

Tomsk OOO Grand plans in 2023 to bring to the market an innovative drug for COVID-19 therapy, which will reduce the risk of complications in patients, in particular, will avoid the development of the heavy form of pneumonia, company director Sergey Stankevich told RIA Tomsk.

Session of the Verona Eurasian Economic Forum was held at TPU

The visiting session of the Verona Eurasian Economic Forum was held at Tomsk Polytechnic University (TPU) on Wednesday, representatives of the authorities of Russia and Italy, Russian and Italian companies discussed areas and formats of cooperation.

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